Mobile Idle Game
28 December, 2019
Released an app to the Google Play store for the first time.
It's an idle game.
You're a fisher cat and you try to collect all the fish.
Written using Unity over 4 months.
I didn't know if it would work, but I used the MVC model.
It worked very well, and did a great job at keeping the UI elements and the functionality code separate.
Would definitely use that method again.
Game can be seen here:
WordPress Theme
24 November, 2019
Had been trying to avoid working with WordPress for as long as possible
Work had recently assigned some tasks around WP,
which got me starting to learn about how WP customizations work.
Initially the task was to create a mostly static site,
which was easy to do with WP's page-[name].php templating.
To find out more about WP's functionality,
I created a WordPress theme that mimics ArtStation's personal site theme.
The aim was to be exposed to:
- Creating a complete theme
- Native custom options (social URLs, banner image, etc.)
- Native custom post types
Demo screenshot art is by soul_ant19
3D Game
31 July, 2019
Project for month of July was a 3D game
It was built with the Unity engine (which uses C#)
And modeled using Blender's new 2.8 build
Game development is always interesting because it has more complex technical working than a typical application
Some things I'd keep in mind if I make another game:
- Build managers/models for everything - Save states, weapons, damage, UI
- Find a easier way to handle loading. Race conditions were common when trying to load players/weapons with UI elements from save files
- Get serialization of custom classes working for save states
Notes on what went well this project:
- Custom classes (which worked partially as managers) were nice to work with - Weapon classes, Player class, "Interactable" class which is inherited by all NPCs
- UI's always been a challenge so doing anchoring/stretching correctly this time saved a lot of time with adjusting sizes
- Blender 2.8 was easy to work with, and models were kept simple so scripted animations were easy to do
The code itself is very gory, but it was very fun and I learned a lot from it.