personal laboratorie

31/F/AU · JP

professional stray dog and serial experimenter

warmth seeker
world eater


Listening to
calder - meat grinder
project zomboid
emma - jane austen (66%)



11 September, 2013

The start of a small questionnaire maker

Things I Learnt: AUGUST

22 August, 2013

  1. Get enough sleep
  2. Remove unnecessary things you do in a day: Random YouTube video watching and Reddit
  3. My body doesn't work well before 9AM
  4. Don't buy things until after you need them
  5. Exercise everyday, even if it is for a short time.


3 August, 2013

All page templates complete
Blogger template complete

Image Host

3 August, 2013

Asian Girl

2 August, 2013

Materials Design 2

1 August, 2013

Over complicated things again

Made it simpler

Materials Design

28 July, 2013

Reworking Materials page design



Removing the menu on the sidebar, and making each section appear all on one page.
Trying to keep things simpler.

Cover Image

25 July, 2013

Cover image sketch

Blogger is hard to use

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