personal laboratorie

31/F/AU · JP

professional stray dog and serial experimenter

warmth seeker
world eater


Listening to
calder - meat grinder
project zomboid
emma - jane austen (66%)



26 June, 2014

Computer has been wiped

Along with Mydas

Instead of restarting Mydas I decided to work on a simpler application


A small diary application.

Currently features calendar drop down selections and autosave for the title and content.

An image:

Probably should have changed my theme to Win7 Aero before taking this shot.

Most interesting part was finding out how to use XML.
I had always known what it was, but never got the opportunity to use it.
Very nice way to store data.

Possible features to be implemented in the future:
  • Themes
  • Fonts
  • Better UI - image buttons

Will upload the application soon.


11 June, 2014

New project to be written in C#


Supposed to be a type of budget program to log money spent.


Underestimated how hard it is to set up a UI that makes sense.

Icon Shop

18 May, 2014

Started a new small project

A sub-webpage for icons and cursors

Recently got GraphicsGale, which allows exporting of .ico and .cur

Completed layout of it, now need to fill it with icons

Completed a doughnuts set today

I cannot stop wanting everything to look old and Windows 98-esque.


13 May, 2014

Made a portfolio-like display page to show the websites I will build in the future (and the two I have made so far).

Next website I am thinking will be some sort of money management site. 

Because I need one.

Photo Portfolio

8 May, 2014

Cleaned up a small website I made a year ago
A few simple PHP scripts to make up a gallery for large images
With no web editing required to use the site.

The users only need to create folders and place images in them in the directory.


3 May, 2014

Mind quite exhausted from work so I made a ridiculous blog layout


30 April, 2014


28 April, 2014

Added four layouts to the layout section.

Only two are available also on Blogger.

Plan to make all available for Blogger and Tumblr in the future.

New Blogger

23 April, 2014

Learning the new blogger code

It is by no means simpler than classic Blogger

A feature that stands out is conditional tags - allows for endless possibilities

Arguable that there are too many 'automatic' lines put into code which pop back up after removal.

Blog templates with the bare minimum (post title, date, content) requiring 937+ lines to begin with is not my style.


20 April, 2014

Found an image of a website layout I did when I was 13

All the websites I made then used iFrames and clickable rectangular areas. Features which are obsolete now.

Also found some pixel cats from back then.


18 April, 2014

I like to make simple layouts in my spare time.

Some blog layouts I have done recently:


30 March, 2014

Making decent progress on the guide section considering how little time is available for me to work on the site now.

Future guide topics:
  • Lists
  • Background
  • Tables
  • Forms
Wanting to start a drawing routine also.


10 March, 2014

Made a guestbook for the personal site yesterday

Really simple script using PHP and a database to store the messages

Lunchbox V

7 March, 2014


I think.

Tested all functionality and cleaned up code a bit.
Still need to fix documentation and do more cleaning up.

Going to now re-set up tomacoin under a nice new host,
Snow Blush.

Lunchbox IV

4 March, 2014

Created a report generation page to list students who are starting or finishing their enrolment on a specified date range.

Will need to generate better data eventually.
No one stays in elementary school for 11 years.

Remaining tasks:
  • Student Audit
  • Search

Lunchbox III

18 February, 2014

Decent progress being made on Lunchbox

Remaining tasks:

  • Document Upload
  • Audit for Student and Class
  • Search

Screen showing Class page with students in class and menu:

Menu class list based on what classes created by user
Class role generated using enrolment entries

Lunchbox : Create Student

19 January, 2014

Finding HTMLKickstart by 99Lime very easy to work with.

Form inputs validated in itself instead of sending it to another PHP file

Allowed for much easier error displays and saving current input


13 January, 2014

New project, Lunchbox.

Hypothetically for a small primary school. A simple web CMS using HTML Kickstart.

Finished QQ end 2013

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