personal laboratorie

31/F/AU · JP

professional stray dog and serial experimenter

warmth seeker
world eater


Listening to
billie eilish - birds of a feather
maplestory (nearly 270 again)


TERA Pumpkin

31 May, 2015

Playing TERA during the month long 2x event.

TERA has very well crafted environment and there is a lot of variety.

Some other screenshots I have taken


I have started work on Coin The Guild, and I am considering having another blog purely for development and this for personal, game, site, and drawings I may do.


6 April, 2015

Finished coding the site in CodeIgniter.

Aimed to have the site make less requests - used techniques like sprite sheets for the home page, which reduced requests from 18 to 10. This also halved the size of the downloads, from 790kb to 330kb. Not much of a difference especially with today's internet, but it is satisfying.

Site used to use images as headers, now uses text. Home page is usable without CSS.

Sitemap created and Google Analytics set up.


27 March, 2015

The recent Treasure Hunter reward on Runescape is a shark outfit and the animation for it is very entertaining. I got three of the five pieces with my 5 keys I had from playing the game, and purchased 35 - I then got the last two pieces within 20 keys. Most people seemed to have received it within 30 keys, one said they received it after 80!

Shark Outfit Fishing Animation

The shark outfits give a great advantage to AFK fishers by consuming the fish, taking out the time needed to drop all the fish on a full inventory.

Tomacoin Redesign Consideration

28 February, 2015

A previous post talked about how this site's design could be better.

Decided to try creating a layout which is more relevant to today's trends

Two designs I like:

I knew I had to refrain from using pixel fonts.

Much better. I really liked the colors for this one.


Tried colors more similar to tomacoin. Layout was too bland however.

Went back to the first design, tried a thinner body. Thought it was too generic.

 Added pixelly elements  like current tomacoin.

I can't say I really liked any of them. Though they would certainly fit the web today, with the one-column layouts and massive typography, it doesn't feel right to me for now.

I have, however, decided on how the navigation will look:

  • Home
  • Pict
    • Original
    • Dota
  • Guides
    • HTML5 CSS3
    • Layout
    • Menu
    • Text
    • Background
    • Set up website
    • PHP
    • Blog
    • Form
    • Register
    • Frameworks
    • Database
  • Sozai
    • Layout
    • Typography
    • Bullet Points
    • Backgrounds
  • Notes
    • Project
    • Game
    • Site
    • Field Notes
  • About

Coin The Guild II

19 February, 2015

A second design, with sand serif font

Plan to release second tttt and get started on the coding for Syrin by the end of this week

Coin The Guild I

4 February, 2015

Starting the first project of 2015 - Guild CMS built with CodeIgniter

Flat design made in Fireworks

(Gradients did not render well)

Github repo at

2014 Analysis

1 February, 2015

Tomacoin is now a year old, and has a lot of room for improvement

  • Site is not possible to navigate through if it was to load only HTML - it is too heavily reliant on CSS and images
  • No sitemap - Tomacoin has many categories and pages and could do with a list of all of them. Would also improve SEO
  • SEO - No specific descriptions or keywords on content pages
  • Statistics - Interested in knowing what pages are most commonly visited
  • Restructure site navigation - Don't want to end up putting everything in "etc"
The menu could be modified to have these categories:
  • Sozai - Materials, layouts, icon shop
  • Guides - Tutorials, scripts
  • Software - Portfolio of websites developed, AHK software
  • Ezine - tttt
  • Notes - Blog
  • Links - Links to resources
  • About - Site information


5 January, 2015

Rough plan for 2015
  • Launch tttt
  • Launch iconshop
  • CodeIgniter - Hyperion
  • WordPress - Store
  • WordPress - Restaurant
  • WordPress - Service
New volume for tttt to release every 4th of the month.

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