personal laboratorie

30/F/AU · JP

professional stray dog and serial experimenter

warmth seeker
world eater


Listening to
RINI - Red Lights
afk journey
crime and punishment (36%)


Half Australian half Japanese half American Internet Brain

Yo wassup they call me big Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy the way I have to work with all your unresolved pain
I live on microwaved tap water and chicken soup

professional luddite fighting the good war against total Javascript takeover


big time loner contact me on tg @bitetown or steam URL is /zacv


PHP, steam, eggs, the warm feeling of hanging out with people for 38475 hours without realizing it, vengarl, ·, single-pulling camps, when cats acknowledge my existence, when humans acknowledge my existence


don't like watching video format media much unless it's a live twitch stream which is half my social life


ok i've done a lot of things and can do most things really well but they're all small things i'd love for there to be something big a big project something that takes so much effort and pain but it just seems so sad to do it all alone i'm looking for a Yuri Norstein to my Francheska Yarbusova but without the part where we threaten suicide on each other good feelings only don't care if it's a man woman alien it would be really great to know that there's someone out there that chose you to do this important thing with them day in and day out you're both working towards that same goal and sometimes it really sucks but you both have each other's backs care about each other and have faith in the other

learn how to do 3d modeling

grows a nice place i can call home

grows a nice family