personal laboratorie

30/F/AU · JP

professional stray dog and serial experimenter

warmth seeker
world eater


Listening to
lil soda boi - Barbed Wire
maplestory (main 262, legion 3708)
homestuck (p4513)


drag and drop earthly cares

20 July, 2024


as i was thinking of next steps for the game
and as i am drowning in self-imposed MMORPG chores

i wanted there to be a point system where i could feel reward and progress for doing things

and i thought about how i miss the websites in ~2008 where you can freely drag-and-drop pixel furniture

so i combined both in this little demo game

(view video in new tab)
(pls don't click full screen on the vivideo because the pixels will be stretched and blurry)

you can see me struggling with the concept of "vertical" and "horizontal" (i struggle with a lot of concepts, you see,) as well as with the numerous bugs already in the game

but it's nice

I think it's nice


1 July, 2024


it is july, which means a new pagination page!

i have been feeling around at what making ratsgame would be like, here is a little demo:

the idea is this:

I have two grids at the moment, one that lays over the top of everything, which would be what you would interface with
then the "stuff" (player, npcs, walls) is under that,
and then the game board grid is under that.

at the moment I am thinking the board will be a 2D array, with an ID for each tile type.
(there will be lots of tile IDs)
and then the functions just look up the tile index to see what's possible with that board cell.


and for the visual concept (versoin 0.1) -

the experiment here was to try using a color palette with actual colors,
instead of the monochromatic palette I usually go for

but the moment i started the coloring, everything went downhill in my brain

i do not wish to live in a world with colors which are not [blue variant]

i simply do not have the skill to use more than 1 hue


  • probably go back to one-hue palette
  • halve the size of everything
  • add the ring skills thing to the top of the screen

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